Perhaps you’re in the process of buying a new boat and are looking for inspiration for its name? There are many classic boat names out there, where owners have taken inspiration from a host of sources - including puns, movies, songs, and even their pets. So here, we’ll give you all the name-choosing help you need with this list of the top 10 best boat names in the world.

10. Social Distance
At number 10 on our list, we have a boat name that has taken its inspiration from the COVID-19 pandemic. Social Distance is the perfect name for a boat purchased in 2020 or 2021, summing up the world situation at this unique time. Of course, being out on the water in your pride and joy is sure to help you achieve social distance whenever you need it most!
9. Black Pearl
Taking its inspiration from the famous Johnny Depp movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”, the Black Pearl is a great name for any boat thanks to its romantic sound with a hint of edge. Also, your boat is sure to be as precious as a pearl!
8. Forever Young
When you’re hoping your passion for boating will keep you feeling youthful, this is the perfect boat name for you. It’s also a great choice if you’re a Rod Stewart fan, or indeed, a fan of Mel Gibson!
7. Squid Pro Quo
We love this Latin pun which would make a fun and witty boat name for anyone with a love of wordplay. Taken from the phrase meaning “something for something”, this kitsch name is sure to raise a smile at any harbour you stop at.
6. Carpe Diem
Another Latin-inspired boat name, but this one is a little more serious. Meaning “seize the day”, there’s no better name for a vessel that allows you to enjoy every moment on the water to the max.
5. Aquaholic
If you’re addicted to boating, this is the ideal name for you. One of the most popular boat names in the USA, this tongue-in-cheek name is catchy and light-hearted – perfect for fun trips at sea.
4. Nauti Pleasure
There are several boat names that play on the word “nautical” in their title, but we love Nauti Pleasure because isn’t spending time on the water everyone’s naughty pleasure?
3. Dream Weaver
This name takes its inspiration from the expression first popularised in 1970 by the music legend John Lennon, in his solo album number “God”. A perfect romantic choice for any vessel, Dream Weaver is a wonderful name for your boat.
2. Hakuna Matata
Almost everyone knows the famous song from the Disney Lion King movie. Hakuna Matata means “no worries for the rest of your days”, so what better name for your boat? After all, all your worries just disappear when you’re out on the water.
1. Licence To Chill
Our favourite boat name for 2021 has to be this James Bond inspired title. Playing on the infamous catchphrase “licence to kill”, this boat name is funny, catchy, and eye-catching – just perfect!
So, what are you going to name your boat? We can’t wait to see what next year’s list will bring!